Gupta, A.K., Pande, G., & Wang, H. 2014. The Silk Road Rediscovered: How Indian and Chinese Companies Are Becoming Globally Stronger by Competing in Each Other’s Markets. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.
Gupta, A.K., Wakayama, T., & Rangan, U. Srinivasa. (Eds.) 2012. Global Strategies for Emerging Asia. Jossey-Bass/Wiley.
Gupta, A.K., & Wang, H. 2009. Getting China and India Right: Strategies for Leveraging the World’s Fastest-Growing Economies for Global Advantage. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley. Also published in Japanese.
Gupta, A.K., Govindarajan, V., & Wang, H. 2008. The Quest for Global Dominance: Transforming Global Presence into Global Competitive Advantage, 2nd Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley. Also published in Mandarin.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 2003. Global Strategy and Organization. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Gupta, A.K., & Westney D.E. (Eds.) 2003. Smart Globalization: Designing Global Strategies, Creating Global Networks. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.
Govindarajan, V., & Gupta, A.K. 2001. The Quest for Global Dominance: Transforming Global Presence into Global Competitive Advantage. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley. Also published in Japanese and German.
Venture capital syndication (with L. Zhang and B. Hallen).
Power balancing as a strategy: The establishment of national headquarters by MNCs in China (with X. Ma, J. Xia and A. Delios).
Is less more: A study of network position and subunit innovation. (with L. Gaerber and R. Katilla).
Vicarious learning in the globalization of venture capital. (with D. Major & D. Waguespack).
Petkova, A., Rindova, V., & Gupta, A.K. 2013. No news is bad news: Sensegiving activities, media attention, and venture capital funding of new technology organizations. Organization Science. 24(3): 865-888.
Gupta, A.K. 2011. The relational perspective and East meets West. Academy of Management Perspectives. 25(3): 19-27.
Feinberg, S.E., & Gupta, A.K. 2009. MNC subsidiaries and country risk: Internalization as a safeguard against weak external institutions. Academy of Management Journal. 52: 381-399.
Petkova, A., Rindova, V., & Gupta, A.K. 2008. How can new ventures build reputation? An exploratory study. Corporate Reputation Review. 11: 320-334.
Agarwal, R., Gupta, A.K., and Kraut, R. 2008. Interplay between digital and social networks. Information Systems Research. 19: 243-252.
Gupta, A.K., Tesluk, P.E., & Taylor, M.S. 2007. Innovation at and across levels. Organization Science.
18: 885-897.
Gupta, A.K., Smith, K.G., & Shalley, C. 2006. The interplay between exploration and exploitation. Academy of Management Journal. 49: 693-706.
Feinberg, S.E., Gupta, A.K. 2004. Knowledge spillovers and the assignment of R&D responsibilities to foreign subsidiaries. Strategic Management Journal. 25: 823-845.
Becerra, M., & Gupta, A.K. 2003. Perceived trustworthiness within the organization: The moderating impact of communication frequency on trustor and trustee effects. Organization Science. 14, 1: 32-44.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 2002. Cultivating a global mindset. Academy of Management Executive. 16, 1: 116-126.
Govindarajan, V., & Gupta, A.K. 2001. Building an effective global business team. MIT Sloan Management Review. 42, 4: 63-71.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 2001. Converting global presence into global competitive advantage. Academy of Management Executive. 15, 2: 45-58.
Govindarajan, V., & Gupta, A.K. 2001. Strategic innovation: A conceptual roadmap. Business Horizons. 44, 4: 3-12.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 2000. Knowledge flows within multinational corporations. Strategic Management Journal. 21: 473-496.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 2000. Knowledge management’s social dimension: Lessons from Nucor Steel. MIT Sloan Management Review. Fall: 71-80.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 2000. Managing global expansion: A conceptual framework. Business Horizons. 43, 2: 45-54.
Gupta, A.K., Govindarajan, V., & Malhotra, A. 1999. Feedback-seeking behavior within multinational corporations. Strategic Management Journal. 20: 205-222.
Becerra, M., & Gupta, A.K. 1999. Trust within the organization: Integrating the trust literature with agency theory and transaction cost economics. Public Administration Quarterly.
Rubenson, G.C., & Gupta, A.K. 1997. The initial succession: A contingency model of founder tenure. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice: 96-110.
Taylor, M.S., Audia, G., & Gupta, A.K. 1996. The impact of longer job tenure on managers’ organizational commitment, performance, and turnover. Organization Science. 7(6): 632-648.
Martell, K., Gupta, A.K., & Carroll, S.J. 1996. Human resource management practices and firm performance. Irish Business and Administrative Research, 17(1): 18-35.
Dess, G.G., Gupta, A.K., Hennart, J-F, & Hill, C.W.L. 1995. Conducting and integrating strategy research at the international, corporate, and business levels: Issues and directions. Journal of Management. 21(3): 357-393.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 1995. Organizing for knowledge flows within MNCs. International Business Review.
3: 443-458.
Sapienza, H., & Gupta, A.K. 1994. Impact of agency risks and task uncertainty on venture capitalist-CEO interaction. Academy of Management Journal, 37: 1618-1632.
Gupta, A.K., & Sapienza, H. 1992. Determinants of venture capital firms’ preferences regarding the industry diversity and geographic scope of their investments. Journal of Business Venturing, 7(5): 347-362.
Rubenson, G., & Gupta, A.K. 1992. Replacing the founder: Exploding the myth of the entrepreneur’s disease. Business Horizons, 35(6): 53-57.
Gupta, A.K. 1992. Selecting general managers: A strategic perspective. Human Resource Planning, 15(1): 47-61.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 1991. Knowledge flows and the structure of control within multinational firms. Academy of Management Review, 16: 768-792.
Gupta, A.K. 1990. Impact of technological intensity on related and unrelated diversification.Journal of High Technology Management Research, 1: 61-72.
Gupta, A.K., & Basu, A. 1990. Information technology and changing patterns of economic coordination. The Annual Review of Communications and Society, 1: 149-176.
Gupta, A.K. 1988. Review of “The Dynamics of Taking Charge” by John J. Gabarro. Human Resource Management, 27(4): 449-456.
Gupta, A.K. 1987. SBU strategies, corporate‑SBU relations, and SBU effectiveness in strategy implementation. Academy of Management Journal, 30 (3): 477‑500.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 1986. Resource sharing among SBUs: Strategic antecedents and administrative implications.Academy of Management Journal, 29 (4): 695‑714.
Gupta, A.K. 1986. Matching managers to strategies: Point and counterpoint. Human Resource Management, 26 (2): 215‑234.
Govindarajan, V., & Gupta, A.K. 1985. Linking control systems to business unit strategy: Impact on performance. Accounting, Organizations, and Society, 10 (1): 51‑66.
Gupta, A.K. 1984. Contingency linkages between strategy and general manager characteristics: A conceptual examination. Academy of Management Review, 9 (3): 399‑412.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 1984. Build, hold, harvest: Converting strategic intentions into reality. The Journal of Business Strategy, 4 (3): 34‑47.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 1984. Business unit strategy, managerial characteristics, and business unit effectiveness at strategy implementation. Academy of Management Journal, 27 (1): 25‑41.
Gupta, A.K., & Lad, L.J. 1983. Industry self‑regulation: An economic, organizational, and political analysis. Academy of Management Review, 8 (3): 416‑425.
Govindarajan, V., & Gupta, A.K. 2000. An analysis of the emerging global arena. European Management Journal. 18, 3: 274-284.
Govindarajan, V., & Gupta, A.K. 1999. Taking Wal-Mart global: Lessons from retailing’s giant. Strategy & Business. 17: 14-25.
Gupta, A.K., & Wang, H. 2012. The next generation global enterprise. In Gupta, A.K., Wakayama, T., & Rangan, U. Srinivasa. (Eds.), Global Strategies for Emerging Asia. Jossey-Bass/Wiley.
Gupta, A.K. 2005. Autonomous business unit. In Hitt, M. & Ireland, D. (Eds.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship. Oxford: Blackwell.
Gupta, A.K., & Cao, Q. 2005. A strategic embeddedness analysis of global business teams: Directions for future research. In D.L. Shapiro, M. Von Glinow, & J. Cheng (Eds.) Managing Multinational Teams: Cultural, Organizational, and National Influences. London: Elsevier.
Gupta, A.K., & Becerra, M. 2003. Impact of strategic context and inter-unit trust on knowledge flows within the multinational corporation. In Bruce McKern (Ed.), Managing International Network Corporations. Routledge.
Gupta, A.K. 2001. Business unit strategy: The quest for competitive advantage. In L. Fahey & R. Randall (Eds.) The Portable MBA in Strategy – 2nd Edition: 62-86. New York: John Wiley.
Gupta, A.K., & Eerola, I. 1997. Knowledge creator vs. knowledge broker: Corporate roles in technology development in diversified corporations. In A. Campbell & K.S. Luchs (Eds.) Core Competency Based Strategy: 188-207. London, UK: International Thompson Business Press.
Bhambri, A., Gupta, A.K., & Kagono, T. 1997. Robust companies: Organizational explanations for sustained success. In A. Sinatra (Ed.) Corporate Transformation: 461-486. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Gupta, A.K. 1994. Business Unit Strategy. In L. Fahey & R. Randall (Eds.) The Portable MBA in Strategy: 53-83. New York: John Wiley.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 1994. Alternative value chain configurations for foreign subsidiaries: Implications for coordination and control within MNCs. In H. Thomas, D. O’Neal, & R. White (Eds.) Building the Strategically Responsive Organization: 375-392. Chichester, UK: John Wiley.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 1993. Methodological issues in testing contingency theories: An assessment of alternative approaches. In R. Banker & Y. Ijiri (Eds.) Creative and Innovative Approaches to the Science of Management: 453-471. Wesport, CT: Quorum Books.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 1993. Coalignment between knowledge flow patterns and strategic systems and processes within MNCs. In P. Lorange, B. Chakravarthy, J. Roos, & A. Van de Ven (Eds.) Implementing Strategic Processes: Change, Learning, and Cooperation: 329-346. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Martell, K.D., Carroll, S.J., & Gupta, A.K. 1992. What executive human resource management practices are most effective when innovation requirements are high? In L.R. Gomez-Mejia & M.W. Lawless (Eds.) Human Resource Management Strategy in High Technology. Vol. 4. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Rubenson, G., & Gupta, A.K. 1991. The founder’s disease: A critical re-examination. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Wellesley, MA: Babson College.
Carroll, S.J., Martell, K.D., & Gupta, A.K. 1990. Aligning executive human resource management with innovation strategies: An empirical study of industrial firms. In L.R. Gomez-Mejia & M.W. Lawless (Eds.), Strategic Leadership in High Technology Organizations: 237-241. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Managing the High Technology Firm, Colorado.
Sapienza, H., & Gupta, A.K. 1989. Pursuit of innovation by new ventures and its effects on venture capitalist-entrepreneur relations. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Wellesley, MA: Babson College.
Gupta, A.K. 1988. Contingency perspectives on strategic leadership: Current knowledge and future research directions. In D.C. Hambrick (Ed.), The Executive Effect: Concepts and Methods for Studying Top Managers: 141-178. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Gupta, A.K., & Sapienza, H. 1988. The pursuit of diversity by venture capital firms: Antecedents and implications. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research: 290-302. Wellesley, MA: Babson College.
Sheldon, A., Barrett, D., & Gupta, A.K. 1980. Managing multi‑institutional collaboration. In S. Levey & T. McCarthy (Eds.), Health Management for Tomorrow: 175‑189. Lippincott.
Govindarajan, V., & Gupta, A.K. 1978. An examination of alternative forms of regulatory mechanisms: The case of the health care industry. In Y. Ijiri and A. Whinston (Eds.), Quantitative Planning and Control: 311‑328. New York: The Academic Press.
Petkova, A., & Gupta, A.K. 2007. Antecedents of variations in knowledge flows across inter-unit dyads within the large multinational corporation. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Petkova, A., & Gupta, A.K. 2005. Antecedents of variation in knowledge flows across inter-unit dyads within the large enterprise.Best Paper Proceedings: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Hawaii.
Feinberg, S.E., & Gupta, A.K. 2004. Impact of country risk on network linkages within MNCs. Best Paper Proceedings: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. New Orleans.
Malhotra, A. & Gupta, A.K. 2001. An investigation of firms’ strategic responses to industry convergence. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. 61st annual national meeting.
Gupta, A.K., Govindarajan, V., & Malhotra, A. 1996. Feedback-seeking behavior of subsidiary presidents in multinational corporations. Best Paper Proceedings: Academy of Management Annual Meetings: 151-155.
Gupta, A.K., & Seshadri, S. 1994. Horizontal resource sharing: A principal-agent approach. Best Paper Proceedings: Academy of Management Annual Meetings: 37-41.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 1991. Knowledge flow patterns, subsidiary strategic roles, and strategic control within MNCs. Best Paper Proceedings: Academy of Management Annual Meetings: 21-25.
Gupta, A.K. 1988. Technological intensity and choice of diversification strategy. In L.R. Gomez‑Mejia & M.W. Lawless (Eds.), Proceedings ’88: Managing the High Technology Firm: 78‑84. The University of Colorado at Boulder.
Gupta, A.K., & Govindarajan, V. 1982. An empirical examination of linkages between strategy, managerial characteristics, and performance at the business unit level. Best Paper Proceedings: Academy of Management Annual Meetings: 31‑35.